What makes MADD WIX really MADD WIX


I believe that we are what we create and wholesome balanced candles is one of the little things thats makes your house a house. Crazy to think i know but when you think about it what is one of the many things that ties our sense of home to us. It's the smell of fresh baked bread, pies, clean linen fresh off the line (not like that happens much anymore haha). The smell of our favorite coffee shop, mountains and apple groves. All of these things and places bring a sense of calm into our lives and makes us transport our minds to a wonderful place. That's even when the kids are screaming, you heard something break and the dogs scratching at the door that just got painted. 

Why not feel good about what we put into the air we breathe even when your not thinking about it. That's prosaically why MADD WIX was created. So yes, we are all MADD here at MADD WIX. When the 40 hour work week gets you down we are here to lift you up and bring more happy places back into that long forgotten memory of yours.


Meet your candlemaker…

The Story Behind The MADD Candlemaker Alayna Gore:


I’ve always had a fascination with candles since I was really young. My mom was a single mother and we always made due with what we had and repurposed a good bit of our home goods. Candles was one of these items. I remember my mom taking leftover candles and melting them down to make new ones. Her favorite part of this was trying to make the candle intricate by cutting them to make shapes or making different colors, blending scents to make new ones. She would always let me touch the wax after it was a little cooled and attempt to make something myself....it never turned out right but it was the joy of doing something with my mom which I loved. There was many of nights that those candles were lit and I felt it comforting to know a piece of what my mom created made me feel safe and happy she created it from scraps.

Making candles for me is more than just a creative outlet but makes me feel like maybe some day I can pass down that same feeling I had with my mom to my kids. That to me is worth all the candles I could ever craft. My mom showed me that we are what we create and I want to create the best that I can. Not only for me but for my friends, family and everyone else.